Sunday 5 December 2010

Thriller - Shot List

The complete list:
1. Establishing shot of house, then we see car pull up.
2. Close up Shot of her shoe sliding out of the car.
3. Close up tracking shot, close up of her shoes walking up to the door.
4. Medium close up of her side, unlocking the door.
5. Close up of hand unlocking the door. Door opens.
6. Close up of bag and keys onto work surface.
7. Tracking shot of family pictures.
8. Close up of hands turning shower on
9. Wide shot of shower filling up with steam
10. Medium shot of phone ringing.
11. Focused on phone, we see her approach the phone.
12. Background mid shot of her on the phone. (dialogue)
13. High angle shot of dogs barking. POV
14. Medium shot, her reaction, confused, shadow in the background.
15. High angle shot of dogs barking. POV
16. Medium shot, of her on the phone shadow gone.(Dialogue)
17. Wide shot of her entering another room (muffled sound of dogs barking)
18. Medium close up of her on the phone (realises its her husband)
19. Extreme close up of phone falling out of her hand.
20. Match on action shot, floor close up of phone. Phone falls into frame.
21. Her reaction shot, medium close up.
22. Over the shoulder shot of the killer, facing womans back. She turns and gasps.

Friday 3 December 2010

Thriller - Prop List

 To create the perfect atmosphere for our Thriller, we had to think about and organize our props in advantage. Here is a list of them. 
The houses we choose for our characters home, are Ewhurst Place and Cornhill Manor. We used to oustide facade of Ewhurst as it is big, has a beautiful balcony and along the fancy cars parked out side signifies a lot of money. For the interior, we choose the kitchen of Cornhill Manor, which is a really luxrious one, again signifying the financial capability of the couple.

The Establishing shot of our opening sequence is a panning shot of Ewhurst Place, and a Ferrari 599 stopping at the house, followed by our main character getting out of the car.

This is where the costume of Helena comes into play. Holly organized a red dress, black high heels, a massive wedding ring, a red bag and a expensive looking fur coat. Helena plays the role of the cold but sexy step-mother which we tried to highlight in her dress choice.

The fact that she drives a Ferrari 599, which Holly's dad kindly provided us with, again establishes her as an independent woman who is able to take care of herself. And she's gold-digging.
The other props were expensive hygiene products, Emily provided us with.  I was in charge of the photography so I had a photo shoot with Helena and Ted, making them look like a couple. Paula provided frames, the pictures would then be spread around the house.
The Team

Thursday 2 December 2010

Thriller - The Script

The Script for our Thriller "The Hostage":

THE HOSTAGE’ – “Always lock your doors.”
January 17th 2011

Woman enters house
(Sound of door closing)
Woman in bathroom
(door slam)
Woman – (wiping her face in the mirror) “Hugo, is that you? I’m in the bathroom…”
Phone rings
Woman – “Hello … (dogs barking) ah bloody dogs, hold on …”
Woman enters the next room. Husband on the phone.
Woman – “Sorry … Hello?”
Husband – “Hi sweetheart its me, Im gonna be late Im stuck on the M25 and ..”
Woman – “Wait, (confused) … Didn’t you just …? Who’s in the house …”
(phone drops)
Husband – “What are you talking about, Zara, whats wrong? Hello .. Hello?”
Woman – (under her breath) “Oh my god …” turns.

Thriller - Storyboards

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Thriller - Final Idea

After several different Ideas, our group eventually decided to go for the idea of a woman being trapped in her own house with a stranger lurking around. The story resolves around a rather wealthy couple, the husband being much older than the wife, as she is supposed to be the typical gold-digging social climber.  Due to her husbands wealth and financial situation, the house should more fittingly be described as a mansion or a castle, with expensive looking furniture. The atmosphere is quite grim and klaustrophobic and forces the woman to fight for her life.

Analysis - Opening Sequence of a Thriller

We looked at different opening sequences from thrillers and horror movies, establishing how Mise En Scene, Sound, Camerawork and Editing make a Thriller a Thriller.

- Dark Sky, Not a lot of colours onscreen
- Rotten Boat
- Ciagrettes
- DiCaprio's character mention the Death of his wife which is underlined by weird music, indicating that this 
  will play an important part in the movie
- Creepy Crazy People encounter